Wednesday, November 24, 2004

God of the Details

The words I just keep repeating over and over to myself are, "God is sovereign...He reigns over all. A sparrow cannot fall..."

Yesterday I learned of two deaths. One was the apparent suicide of the friend of a friend, the other was an older relative of my Lummi kids. Every Tuesday, a group of us teens go teach a Good News Club on the Lummi Indian reservation. Yesterday when Mandy and I got there, there was a note saying there had been a death in the family. Mandy and I left the food basket we had brought for them, and then I looked for something to write a note back on. God truly is the God of the details...I had left a card in my backpack on accident that was just perfect for the occasion. We wrote on it, and then left.

On our way out, we saw some people standing in the nearly dark road and waving. We were able to help them get gas and jump their car, and we found out that they were relatives of the people who host the Good News Club. Even though we thought our trip out to the reservation (30 minutes both ways) had been useless, we found that God had a different plan for us. This was such a comfort to me as I had been wrestling all day with the suicide...God showed me that He was still, as always, in complete and perfect control.


  1. 1! 2! 3!........Happy happy birthday. May all your dreams come true! I wish it was my birthday, so I could party to...hay, hay!

    Happy birthday Jill...

    You have been in awesome friend to me. I have enjoyed our relationship.

    Keep serving Him always...

    By His grace and love, Caleb

  2. Calleb-
    only u could decide to post a DUMB comment on a blog that actually has nothing to do with birthdays and Ruin the whole insightful-revelation expereince we were all going thru be4 we read your (as usual)IMMATURE comment. But what more can I expect from a stupid Sophmore?
