1.) Me and Alison at Disneyland
2.) Dennay studying in my room

3.) Dennay shaving Brandon's head
4.) Alison riding in the teacups
Just some random photos of things I've been up to lately--my roommate and I hung out at Disneyland (along with many others from TMC) last Saturday. She had never been and I've only been once, so we had a lot of fun acting like little kids! (My roommate is Alison, for those of you who don't know. She's 23 years old, from Wisconsin, and a business major.)
The other pictures are of normal life...yes, the shaving of heads has become normal...somewhat. I think there's something in the water because so many guys here are shaving their heads, and Dennay got to get in on the action the other day. It was pretty funny! (Dennay lives across the hall, and she's an 18 year old teacher education major from Texas, y'all.)
Thank you for viewing this episode of Jillian's photography, I hope you'll stop by again!
Jacob Nelson!!!
Jake, you and I are going to have a talk...soon.
How fun! I remember going to Disneyland with my friends from Master's when I was visiting them 3 years ago. I got some good pix from the teacup ride too! :) See ya Saturday!
Like you guys give him good talks:)
Hey...There is a sane side to me. Don't you know?
The only thing that ever drove me to be insane was...well... =) ya'll can ask me later!
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