Friday, January 21, 2005

Back on Track

Hallelujah--Friday at last! This has been a great week, but I'm so glad it's over. Now to buckle down to my big project for the President's Scholarship application.

One of the reasons this week has been so awesome is that I made a resolution to really get back into the deep study of the Word. I had been doing just a token reading and then pushing it out of my mind to make room for all of the other facts that need to fit in there. But I realized that this was very detrimental to my spiritual health, and resolved to take more time and really meditate on the truths I learn. I bought a new journal (which is highly motivating for someone who is captivated by paper), and enlisted a friend to ask me if I'm staying in communion with God. And my life has been so fantastically blessed because of it! From simple things, such as having more energy, to the important, like the strength to resist temptation, I have seen my everyday life become better.

When my dad was in highschool, he read his Bible every night. But during the day, he was most definitely not following God's ways. As I contemplated this story, I realized that I was the same way. I read my Bible purely for head knowledge, while throughout the day my life was ruled by self. But God is so faithful to draw me back to Himself. Praise be to His grace that will not let me go!

1 comment:

Caleb Breakey said...

It's funny how God works in our lives. I never would have thought that my life one and a half years ago was close to Godless. Go to church? Sure. Read my Bible? Enough...I think. Pray? Yeah, thanking Him for provisions and asking for selfish things.
Hmm...Something wrong? YES. God wasn't there. I was cold for Him, and deserved to be spit out of His mouth, just as it says in Revelations. I would be the one in Matthew, saying, "God, I'm here. Let me in!" And God would look at me with His wonderful, loving, amazing and judging eyes, and say, "go away from me; I never knew you."
My life, much like yours, Jillian, has changed immensely by God's grace. I won't go into specifics, but I can feel the joy of being a true follower of God now, and I feel there is now purpose to my life -- I just wonder where He's going to take it.
Anyway, don't stop, Jill. Satin will be all over you, not wanting you to change for Him. Just remember the full armor of God. Actually, go read it sometime. By putting on that protection (Bible reading, and MEANINGFUL prayer) you will be ready.

I can't put enough emphasis on prayer. He says pray constantly, and guess what, you draw closer to Him day by day, and give Him glory -- the purpose we're here on earth.
But remember, it doesn't just stop with putting on armor. We don't have a back piece of armor, meaning that we will always face forward into the depths of a world of darkness. We need to be bold for the sake of Christ, and never stray from His truths. Love is one thing, but watering down the truth is another.
Well, my nickel divided by two, minus .5 cents have been accounted for. I'm striving for Him; your striving for Him...Let's help others strive for Him.
See you later, Jill.

Only by His grace,