Monday, April 18, 2005

Monday, Monday

OK people, so we're taking a brief break from Mexico because I don't have time for a long and informative post. I've officially decided that Monday mornings are NOT cool. In the words of Garfield, "I hate Mondays!" Actually, I don't truly hate them because Mondays are also softball games, which are superly fun and cool. But Mondays at school are miserable. I have this problem with doing homework on the weekends, and this weekend was no exception. Sleepovers, roadtrip, shopping excursions, movies, multiple trips to Starbucks, games, a track meet, cooking, going to was crazy insane. I had so much fun, but I only barely got the homework done that was due today and now I have large amounts to complete before tomorrow. *Sigh*

So....there's only something like nine weeks left of spring quarter. This is so hard to believe. I graduate in 60 days! I think I'm in shock because this just really hasn't sunk in yet. Then off to CYIA, then a summer packed with work and hopefully many last fun things with my friends, and then a roadtrip to Southern California where I move in at Master's on August 21! Wow...


Caleb Breakey said...

I feel like singing =)

Kristi said...

Jill, maybe we shouldn't have gone shopping yesterday but come on, we did buy some pretty "cool" things!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jillian said...

Well you see, when I have a choice between having fun or reading my sociology textbook, I like to chose having fun. I'm happier that way. Plus, when I don't REALLY have to have it read until Tuesday, and it's Sunday, I push the homework back and then I wake up on Monday and panic.

This next weekend won't be like that because I have two (2!) tests on Monday. Now there's a nice welcome to the new week for ya!

I really don't think you got sucked into it Chris. Kimi said "Movie" and you said "Cool." You didn't even ask what movie it was going to be! If you're going to be upset about it, don't do it so readily. Also, Kimi and I offered to pay you back, but you wouldn't let us. So I really just don't want to hear it! :-)

Anonymous said...

K, now I'm really curious. Just what movie did you all see?

Jillian said...

Lent is over, sorry about the misquote but I'm not a journalist, and we saw Alien vs. Predator.

Jillian said...

They pretty much have access to all my other thoughts since they found my blog...I don't see a problem with telling what movie it was. :-) Oh, and I did offer to pay for the movue at the very beginning of the whole thing we said we'd all pitch in. So there.

Jillian said...

There is no spell check on the comments, and I thought I had directed the spell check comment at Caleb, not at you.

Anonymous said...

You're lucky you get to go to CYIA! I don't have my acceptance letter yet! Sad.