We did it! Waldock girls took back the Master's Cup! The Master Cup is a fun-filled event of various tests of strength, nerve, and willingness to make yourself look like a fool. :-) We first dressed up in dorm colors and decided who would run which legs of the relay. Waldock colors are PINK! Yes, Kimi, Waldock is pretty much the perfect place for you to live...named after your grandpa, and full of girls who love and wear pink.
There were 10 events in total, the most important of which was the $3.43 dive. In this event, a team of four people from your dorm take turns diving into the bottom of the pool to come up with change. When they have exactly $3.43, they take it to the official counters. My oh-so-important role in this contest was shirt-changer. I would pull the purple shirt that served as a baton off one diver and onto the other, almost falling in repeatedly. :-) Even though we were the last team into the pool, we were the first ones out of it. And, we were also the only ones who didn't have our change thrown back into the pool because of counting inaccuracies. From that point on, Waldock was unstoppable! We beat the second place girls team by about 5 minutes, and the first place guys team by 10 minutes. Last place was claimed by the guys dorm where all the jocks supposedly live...I'm not too certain about the futures of our sports teams if they are so athletically challenged as to lose like that. :-)
The guys team that took first place was our brother dorm, Oak Manor, so to celebrate we jumped in the pool and then went over to Oak Manor for root beer floats. Oak Manor is an off-campus apartment building that serves as guys dorms now, and it's really cool because they all have kitchens. Some of the guys were really funny...they asked us to come back every Saturday, using the kitchens as bait! :-) I'll admit, it is tempting. I'm going to miss cooking!
This, however, isn't the first contest my team has won. Another team that I was on won the Sandcastle building contest on the beach on Wed. And my team won the SBCC Olympics...I think my fortunes are changing! I can't remember the last time my team won anything.
The craziness of WOW (Week of Welcome) is finally over, and I'm terribly excited for classes to begin on Monday. It's gonna be awesome!
Better go clean my room! Love and hugs from the girl who misses you all!
P.S. The picture is of all the girls on my wing with the Cup.
Jilly!!! I miss you so dearly! I can't wait to see you in October- SO GLAD to hear that you're having a blast, but I knew you would!!! Keep in touch, babe!!! Love Always, Marcie ... PS- HI TO AARON too, lol
Reminds me of Sherbert Icecream...
So the vb coach @ LC was telling the team about how Heidi was really excited to be going to church with this guy we both know. Were you a part of that group, b/c the certain guy may want to be careful around her . . .
Thanks for the tip Amze...I was wondering. :-)
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